Friday, December 1, 2006

This summer, it's good to be 3!

I know many Christians that are passionate about the Holy Spirit. They are passionate to see him move in power in their lives and the life of their churches and communities.

I know of many followers who are sold out to exploring philosophical ideas, questioning in depth theology and are strong believers in improving/sustaining God's creation.

Other Christians have a deep passion for reaching the lost; those that don't know Jesus. They are sold out to growing his Kingdom and believe that if you don't believe in Jesus you won't get into heaven.

So which is better? Which beliefs are valid and are any invalid? Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We need to be radically balanced in our view of the Trinity. One God: three persons of equal power and significance. All the above views are valid and need to be integrated forming a deep trinitarian view of God.

This summer it's good to be three.

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