Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Momentum is a Leader's Best Friend

Do you want to be a part of a Jesus Revolution? You need momentum. Let me explain.

In a close game of cricket, all of a sudden Shane Warne gets a wicket. That's great, but then something happens. The Aussies get excited, they start believing they can get another wicket. All the fielders are 'walking in with the bowler' and are now eager for another quick wicket. The other team soon loses yet another wicket. Why? The Aussies have momentum on their side. You can almost feel it in the air. When momentum is on your side, you believe for bigger things; the impossible now seems possible.

Youth Ministry. Church Growth. Mission. We need to find ways to encourage momentum in our ministries. It is imperative that we continually sow the vision of what the prefered future of our ministry is. It is important that as we do this, we passionately celebrate the stories of what God is doing. Sow, share, sow, share. As the Lord begins to move in power in your midst, continue to sow the vision and share the stories. All of a sudden, momentum is happening and Christians begin to believe for greater things. The momentum begins to hear people say, 'Maybe God can heal that person after all,' or 'Maybe Jesus will bring this Revival!'

Leaders. Build momentum. Don't take holidays when things are heating up. Grab a vision from the Holy Spirit, build a team that's united and passionate, and let the Spirit's momentum bring you to the future you always knew in your heart was possible. (Momentum is a Leader's Best Friend).

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