Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Communicate Effectively through Social Media

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Have you noticed the changing nature of the social media realm? Is it just me, or has social media become more volatile than years previous? You only need to read comments on a politicians page on Facebook, or browse through the tweets related to a hot topic and you read the vitriol.

How do you communicate effectively in this social media landscape? How do you promote your business, spark interest in your product or create change in the moral behaviour of your readership?
Here are some themes I see in relation to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Blogs, etc):

  • Popular leaders/artists/musicians, etc, do not have a Facebook Group, they have a Facebook Page. A page allows them to control the posts on the page. A facebook group allows anyone to upload a post, and therefore they shy away from this.
  • Any contentious issue is normally ignored by the owner of the Facebook Page. An initial post is created by the leader and then they go silent. Everyone knows they are reading over the comments (or in the case of many comments, quickly browsing over the main theme of the comments), yet they choose to be silent. I do not witness many brave Facebook Page owners with many followers, choosing to engage in discussion on their Facebook Page.
  • Using the hashtag effectively on Twitter can help get some momentum going with your brand or community. #social media #effectivecommunication #leadership
  • Cutting edge social media experts are great at creating viral ideas and themes. The classic was the social media strategy of Coca-Cola who printed a name of a person onto a Coke Bottle and then encouraged that person to place the photo of the coke can onto their Facebook Profile Pic. What absolute creative genius, to have the consumer, purchasing the product then doing the advertising for you! There were pictures of Coca-cola plastered across social media, and Coke were just sitting back laughing all the way to the bank. 
  • Images tell a thousand words and they evoke a response from the viewer, that's why they are spread all over the social media world. Use images as best you can, to engage people with your idea or brand.
  • To communicate effectively through social media, you need to prick people's interest. The  articles, posts and YouTube clips that spark the most interest all the ones that have a viral nature about them, e.g. the top ten places no one has ever visited. Most people can sniff at social media and determine what news article they should read and which they should avoid. Attempt to connect the people with interesting, inspiring, viral type social media, that gets people talking.
From a faith perspective, try to find the balance between serious theological truth and entertainment. If you head down too far with the former, you turn people off from even engaging with the theological truth you attempt to communicate. If you head too far the other way, you merely entertain a fast-paced consumerist culture and fail to have them grasp any of the truth of which you are sharing.

Social Media continues to shift and you must continue to wrestle with the challenges of communicating effectively within that social media, if you want to continue to engage people with your business, church, brand or product.

See also:
How to Grow your Blog Traffic by 300%

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Most Controversial Christmas Blog Ever

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Merry Christmas.

Sorry, hope that wasn't too offensive.


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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Can a Broken Church be Repaired?

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Popular author and marketing guru Seth Godin introduced a website called a few years back. People sent into scores of examples of businesses who had processes and procedures that were broken. The marketing strategy may have been broken or the processes in which the business used were broken.

Seth Godin mentioned an example of a busy airport in the States. There were 75 Cabs in the airport waiting for customers. There were 75 people lined up to catch a Cab. It took over an hour for the line to clear and for everyone to have entered a Cab. Why? The system was broken, and no one had thought long and hard enough as to what to do about it. What if there was no single file line?

Check out the photos below. Can you see the problems here?

 "Observe Warning Signs" - Now, if you are not observing warning signs, how could you possibly observe this warning sign telling you to observe warning signs?

"No Smoking: Pick up your Cigarette Butts" - Has anyone thought this one through? If people are meant to be not smoking, then why are we picking up cigarette butts?

So let me ask you the question. What is broken in the church? No, I don't mean that old whiteboard  and the broken music stand in the storeroom. I mean, what practices, routines, procedures and the like, are broken within the church?

Let me offer some examples of broken things within the church:

- People who care about what seat they sit in more than whether anyone new will be sitting with them
- People who smile and enthusiastically welcome the regulars 'to church' and then barely smile at a new person.
- An offering message that goes longer than a sermon.
- Having to reach a certain limit in the offering before the guest preacher will preach.
- Emerging churches that continually emerge and evolve and never knuckle down what in fact they believe.  
- Not speaking to someone in the church because they have offended you.
- Altar Calls that are empty when you preach about holiness and righeousness.
- Churches that spend more time on administration than justice and evangelism.
- Financial processes and procedures that will outlive Billy Graham
- When the nuances of theology and the debate that these cause, consume more time than needed.
- Disciples who turn away from Christ, because of the actions of fellow believers.

The list could go on. Much is broken in our churches.

Can a Broken Church be Repaired?

Well, I believe yes. As has been mentioned in previous posts, it will either be deep painful change or slow painful death for churches that are broken.

Let me say, when a church is broken, do something! Change the culture! Challenge the pre-exsiting paradigms of church methodology! Keep Jesus at the Centre! Decisively work through the broken things in churches, so that you do not hinder the amazing work of the Spirit of God, to grow and bless your local congregation.

Much more could be said. Though, you must taken each example of brokenness in your local context and work through it. Why are people not very welcoming? Why are people not becoming disciples? Why do people come to events and nothing else? Why do 20% of the people do 80% of the work?

You must think these problems through. Consider the solutions. Do something about the things that are broken.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Though if it is broke, you are responsible TO fix it!

#leadership #change #broken #church

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Is this the Greatest Issue of our Time?

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The greatest issue of our time is not violence, drugs, sexual exploitation and the like. On the surface we may look at human rights violations around the globe and quickly assume these are the greatest issues. I mean, when an American student goes on a shooting rampage and extremists hold people hostage in a Kenyan shopping centre, it is easy to have this view.

Though the issues stem from something deeper.

Let us look at this first. This is taken from the UN, in relation to the question, 'What is human rights?'
Human rights are universal legal guarantees pro-tecting individuals and groups against actions and omissions that interfere with fundamental freedoms, entitlements and human dignity. Human rights are inherent in all human beings and are founded on respect for the dignity and worth of each person.They stem from cherished human values that are common to all cultures and civilizations. (See the United Nations Document on Human Rights)
There is a problem here. The problem is, I believe one of the greatest issues of our time. Now, the problem is not human rights, of course, that would be ludicrous to suggest.

Are you ready for what I'm about to say?

The problem is that people don't derive their morality from God.

Now, here's the thing; without a foundation that provides objective moral values, human rights are simply subjective. So who says values are right and wrong? Do we simply shift our sense of morality as the times shift? Do we simply say something is wrong just because the majority say its wrong? Isn't this just humanism: whatever you would want to be done to you, you should do unto others. What if in this process a whole bunch of people start to suggest a new morality based on what they prefer; what makes them wrong or right in shifting their outlook?

The greatest issue of our time, is not the violence, and sexual abuse. The greatest issue is that people don't have any objective moral values that derive themselves from a faith in Christ.

Now, I can hear some people about to voice their objections. I know the question, 'Well, isn't there disagreement even within Christian circles about certain moral values?' Sure. Though, what I am saying is that without God, without the Scriptures, without the revelation of God's son, we are further down the gurgler than having faith in Christ as our foundation.

Maybe you could help me understand. Without a faith in God, what is the reason for your existence? Why have any moral values at all? How could you even find a frame of reference for any values you do have?

One absolute moral value that many a scholar has acknowledged is love. Betrand Russell said, 'What the world needs is Christian love or compassion.' Erich Fromm (a humanistic psychologist) suggests that all psychological problems come from a lack of love. Confucius said, 'Do not do unto others what you do not want them to do to you. Who would argue against love?' So if love is an absolute moral value, that does not shift from generation to generation, the question is where does that love derive from? Well, I believe that love comes from God and I believe that 1 John 4:16 sums it up with the simple statement, 'God is love'.

In the cultural revolution in the western world, with a continual shift away from the acknowledgement of the God of the Bible as the creator of the heavens and the earth, and a shift away from faith in Christ, we throw out the foundations on which we built morality from.

As we do that, all we're left with is some watered down humanism, that says human rights is really just about what the majority of people think is right and wrong.

Is this the greatest issue of our time?


Help sharpen our thinking. Why not make a comment?

God bless.


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Sunday, October 20, 2013

One Holy Discontent that is Breaking My Heart

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I have a holy discontent. I need to share it. Maybe a burden shared is a burdened halved.

Let me say the obvious: I need Jesus. I need his hope. I need his reassurance. When it comes to the fruitfulness of the local church, I need his perseverance and his grace. When it comes to handling all the demands of family life, I need strength and love. When I consider the sickness, unbelief, pride, abuse, hurt and pain of family, friends and the community around me, I need hope that God responds to my prayers.

That being said, there is one thing that has bugged me for a long time. For over 10 years I have had a holy discontent about this one thing. I can't seem to shake it, and in fact the holy discontent I am feeling right now, is growing. My heart is aching. It could be the lack of coffee intake recently, or possibly something deeper.

Maybe this blog will ease the pain. Maybe this blog will reveal some of my heart and thus lessen the feeling of frustration. Maybe it won't.

People carry around with them many burdens. I get that. They carry with them pain from past hurts, and live with the memories today. They wonder how they will make ends meet, and they find themselves questioning whether God will ever heal that sickness and fulfill that dream. They need hope and they need Jesus.

Now here's my holy discontent.

Some would rather live with the pain, the hurt, the rejection and the unforgiveness than come to the altar so that God may do a great work within them.

I cannot tell you how many times people have said to me, things like, 'I really wonder where God IS in it all.' Yet when someone called people forward during a time of prayer, they remained in their seat.

I don't get it. I don't understand what is in the human psyche that when the minister calls people to the altar, some run to it, and others would prefer to warm their undergarments on their pew.

Someone help me understand. Is it fear? Is it a deep-seated disbelief in the power of God? Is it the inability to reason your way out of a move of God? Is it simply pride? Laziness? Apathy? The pain itself holds you back?

The fact is, Jesus can forgive you. God can heal you. The walls can be brought down. The prayer can be answered. The concern lifted and the abuse forgiven. God can move by the power of his Holy Spirit, to bring redemptive lift and life in all its fullness. There's grace and mercy freely available in Christ.

Though, God gives you the free will to respond.

I have some words ringing in my ears tonight, a holy discontent that is not going away.

"Will I find you at the altar of the Lord?"

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Australia Southern Territory Appointment Changes 2013 - FIND the MOVES HERE


FOR the 2014 Appointment Changes please CLICK HERE.

The Salvation Army's Australia Southern Territory Appointment Changes - October 10th, 2013


Bulletin Posting - 10 October 2013
General Change 2014 Appointment Bulletin

The Territorial Commander has approved the following appointments:TERRITORIAL HEADQUARTERS
Christine Faragher Dean of Studies

Alan Meredith Business Manager

Stuart Hamilton Territorial Planned Giving & Public Relations Consultant

Kaye Seccombe Territorial Planned Giving & Public Relations Consultant

Janis Meredith Pastoral Care Officer

Patricia Willhelme Chaplain to Retired Officers

Bram Cassidy Territorial Growing Healthy Corps Consultant

Heather Jenkins Territorial Spiritual Life Development Secretary –

Brian Pratt Territorial Growing Healthy Corps ConsultantAdditional

Beth Roberts Territorial Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Graham Roberts Territorial Mission Resources Secretary & Territorial
Growing Healthy Corps Director

Kevin Lumb Territorial Growing Healthy Corps ConsultantAdditional

Belinda Davis Family Ministries & Resource Secretary


Bram Cassidy Box Hill, Corps Officer

Jean Cassidy Box Hill, Corps Officer

Beth Holman Eastcare Network - Camberwell Corps Community
Services, Chaplain

Eddy Holman Assistant Divisional Social Programme Secretary &
Divisional Social Justice Co-ordinatorAdditional

Nancy Chuang Positive Lifestyle Counselling Services, Positive Lifestyle
Facilitator& Chinese Liaison Officer

Pearson Chuang Court& Prison Services, Dandenong Court, Chaplain &
Chinese Liaison Officer

Anne Lane Nepean Hub, Team Leader / Corps OfficerColin Lane Nepean Hub, Team Leader / Corps Officer

Allan Morrison Boronia, Corps Officer & Assistant Divisional Mission
Resources Secretary Additional Appointment

Genevieve Peterson Nepean Hub - Carrum Downs Corps, Community
Outreach Officer – Title Change

Catherine Shanks Nepean Hub - Frankston Corps, Community Outreach
Officer– Title Change

Katie Parker Assistant Divisional Secretary Women's Ministries
Additional AppointmentAdam Peterson Court& Prison Services, Frankston Court, Chaplain

Cadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Dit Chokeun Dandenong Corps, Assistant Corps Officer

Sean Mapleback Nepean Hub, Assistant Corps Officer

Daniel Smith Highett– Plant, Corps Planting OfficerMichelle Smith Highett– Plant, Corps Planting Officer


Brett Allchin Preston, Corps Officer

Sally-Anne Allchin Preston, Corps Officer

Karen Elkington The Asylum Seekers Support Service, Manager
Title Change

Stephen Ellis Children's Court, Chaplain

Tracey English Assistant Divisional Social Programme Secretary
– Chaplaincy

Geoff Ledger Carlton, Corps Officer

Vicki McMahon Crossroads Network, Bridgehaven, Chaplain

June Purdy Melbourne Magistrates Court, Chaplain

Janette Shepherd St Kilda Chapel, Corps Officer & The Bridge Centre,
Chaplain& Courts & Prisons, Relieving Chaplain
Additional Appointment

Joyleen Stewart Courts& Prison Services, State Office, Senior Chaplain
& State Representative becomes permanent

Elizabeth Wallis Greensborough, Corps Officer / Courts & Prisons,
Heidelberg Court, Chaplain Title Change

Jason Davies-Kildea Divisional Social Programme Secretary & Victorian State
Council / Victorian Social Programme Policy Unit Manager
Title Change

Michelle Davies-Kildea Adult Services, Senior ChaplainAlison Platt Courts& Prisons, Broadmeadows Court, Chaplain

Karen Agnew Reservoir, Assistant Corps Officer

Katherine Baudinette Reservoir, Corps Officer

Abhishek (Monty) Bhardwaj Sunshine, Assistant Corps Officer

Manikya (Mera) Bhardwaj Sunshine, Assistant Corps Officer

Robert Champion St Kilda Chapel, Assistant Corps OfficerAdditional

Marie Kovacs Plenty Valley, Assistant Corps Officer

Cadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Kimberley Ashmore Brimbank City, Assistant Corps Officer

Taryn Castles Northcote, Assistant Corps Officer

Cherry Ip Richmond, Associate Corps Officer

Dianne Size Wyndham City, Assistant Corps Officer

Tim Size Wyndham City, Assistant Corps Officer


Greg Howard Flying Padre & Outback Services, Flying Padre

Cheryl Pryor Regional Youth & Children's Secretary

Cadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Andrew Lee Alice Springs, Assistant Corps Officer


David Shrimpton Echuca-Moama, Corps Officer

Jennifer Shrimpton Echuca-Moama, Corps Officer

Judith Brown Seymour, Corps Officer

Christine Ellis Divisional Youth & Children's Secretary & Divisional
Candidates SecretaryTitle Change

Richard Ellis Divisional Social Programme Secretary & Victorian State

Graham Stanley Red Cliffs, Corps OfficerKathleen Stanley Red Cliffs, Corps Officer

Cadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Michael Nally Broadford, Corps Officer

Rebecca Nally Broadford, Corps Officer

Brian Peters Swan Hill, Corps Officer

Sheree Peters Swan Hill, Corps Officer

Clinton Castley Divisional Secretary

Karen Castley Divisional Mission Resources Secretary

David Simpkin Court& Prison Services, Court Chaplain

Wendy Simpkin Divisional Secretary Women's Ministries & Divisional
Volunteer Co-ordinator Additional Appointment

Cherie Clarke Marion, Corps Officer

Christopher Clarke Marion, Corps Officer

Clyde Colls Murray Bridge, Corps Officer

Margaret Colls Murray Bridge, Corps Officer

Andrew Jarvey Divisional Youth & Children's Ministry Secretary

Dianne Jarvey Divisional Candidates Secretary and Associate Divisional
Youth& Children's Ministry Secretary

Cadet-in-Appointment [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Jordan Innes Mount Barker, Corps Officer
Sarah Innes Mount Barker, Corps Officer

Christine Wright Divisional Secretary

Michael Wright Divisional Mission Resources Secretary / Divisional Social
Justice Co-ordinator Additional Appointment

Scott Norman Military Chaplain – TasmaniaAdditional Appointment

Johnmark Snead Divisional Youth, Children & Candidates Secretary /
Divisional Chaplaincy Co-ordinator & Chaplain to
Retired Officers & DHQAdditional Appointment

Nicole Snead Associate Divisional Youth, Children & Candidates
Secretary& McCombe House, Chaplain
Additional Appointment

Amanda Agnew New Norfolk, Corps Officer

Jacky Laing Barrington Lodge, Corps Officer & Aged Care Chaplain

Belinda Smith Burnie, Corps Officer & Employment Plus, Chaplain –
BurnieAdditional Appointment

Mark Smith Burnie, Corps Officer & Employment Plus, Chaplain –
BurnieAdditional Appointment

Cadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Ben Clapton Devonport, Corps Officer & Employment Plus, Chaplain –
DevonportAdditional Appointment

Liesl Clapton Devonport, Corps Officer & Employment Plus, Chaplain –
DevonportAdditional Appointment


Sharon Dannock Assistant to the Divisional Mission Resources Secretary

Deidre Dearing Harry Hunter Rehabilitation Centre, Assistant Manager –

Ian Dearing Harry Hunter Rehabilitation Centre, Assistant Manager –
OperationsGordon Jones Divisional Secretary

Lyn Jones Divisional Secretary Women’s Ministries & Divisional Early
Childhood Ministries ConsultantAdditional Appointment

Trevor Wilson Mandurah Corps, Assistant OfficerValerie Wilson Mandurah Corps, Assistant Officer

Paul Beardsley Bridge House, Assistant ManagerSharon Bywaters Rockingham, Assistant Corps Officer [with responsibility
for Baldivis]

Jason Dannock Rivervale, Corps OfficerBarry Gibbons Homelessness Services Network, Chaplain becomes

Dianne Gibbons Bentley, Assistant Corps Officerbecomes permanent

Erica Jones Kwinana, Corps Officer

Peter Jones Kwinana, Corps Officer

Mike Kemp Aged Care & Seaforth Gardens, Chaplain

Ruth Kemp Aged Care & Seaforth Gardens, ChaplainAngela Watson Perth Fortress, Corps Officer

Brad Watson Perth Fortress, Corps Officer

Cadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Melanie Cop Ellenbrook, Corps Officer

Stefan Cop Ellenbrook, Corps Officer

Harriet Farquhar Bunbury, Corps Officer

Jacqueline Milkins Geraldton, Corps Officer & Geraldton Employment Plus,
ChaplainAdditional Appointment

Jeffrey Milkins Geraldton, Corps Officer & Geraldton Employment Plus,
ChaplainAdditional Appointment

Amy Stobie Hamilton Hill, Corps Officer

Ronald Stobie Hamilton Hill, Corps Officer

Debbie Serojales Delacombe, Corps Officer

Claire Emerton Divisional Social Programme Secretary & Victorian State

Rod Serojales Delacombe, Corps OfficerNaomi Shelton SalvoConnect Social Services, Chaplain

Karyn Wishart Divisional Youth, Children's & Candidates Secretary


Major Alastair Watson

Lieutenant Michael Shanks


Greg Curnow RSDS Representative [details to be advised in
AUE Bulletin]

RETURNING TO HOME TERRITORYCadet [with the rank of Lieutenant]
Nathanaël Münch Taking up appointment in Denmark Territory
[details to be advised]


Major David Bartlett Effective 8 January 2014

Major Fiona Bartlett Effective 8 January 2014

Major Peter Stark Effective 8 January 2014

Major Carolyn Ledger Effective 11 January 2014

Major Lorraine Hart Effective 1 March 2014


Lt-Colonel Donni PhoMajor Graham BuckleMajor Leasa EldridgeMajor Cheryl LeesCaptain Martin LeesCaptain Christopher Garcia
Lieutenant Heather Stamp

APPROVEDsigned by :
Commissioner Floyd J TiddTerritorial CommanderThe Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory

DATE Thursday 10 October 2013

We pray for every officer who is affected by moves within The Salvation Army over the next few months. Let them finish strong for Jesus, and honour him in their next appointments!

God bless The Salvation Army.

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How Many Salvos Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

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How many people does it take to change a lightbulb? You've heard the lightbulb question before right? Here are some I've heard and created over the years:


How many TV Evangelists does it take a change a lightbulb?
Just the one, but send your money now to 1800 181 181. You heard it right, 1800 181 181.

How many Pentecostals does it take to change a lightbulb?
One to change the lightbulb and 15 to pray in tongues and ask for the light's healing

How many Salvos does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just the one. Remember what William Booth said, 'Go for lightbulbs and go for the worst.'

How many Anglicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just the one, but the 20-strong vestry must agree on the change first.

How many Catholics does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, they use candles.

How many Politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?
Well, who knows, it's not like any of them tell us the truth.

How many Theologians does it take to change a lightbulb?
Maybe the question isn't even about lightbulbs. Maybe lightbulbs are just a metaphor for something much deeper.

How many Preachers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Look, seriously it's been 30 minutes, and you haven't even got to the point where it's about the lightbulb.

How many Emerging Church Leaders does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. They're post-bulbs.

How many Evangelicals does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just the one, but first you have to realise you are not a perfect lightbulb. Second you need to admit your failure to be a good lightbulb. Thirdly, you must seek the light from the one who gives light, to create in you a new lightbulb.

How many Calvanists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just the one who is chosen.


How many Christians does it take to change a lightbulb?
Well, if the lightbulb represents the world, then it takes Christians to be united together, with Christ at the centre, empowered by the Holy Spirit and focused on living out God's mission in the world to make the best possible change.

We can make the change. The lightbulb is depending on us.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Top 10 Leadership Books of all Time


Many an author have written books on leadership, and I would like to offer my own list (in no particular order) of the Top 10 Leadership Books of all Time.

I'd be interested in your opinion. Is this a good list of leadership books? Am I missing some important aspect of leadership that needs to be considered? Am I forgetting a great author of yours?

Top 10 Leadership Books of all Time

1. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni

Lencioni is challenging and forthright about what is the best way to show leadership within a team environment and tough leadership decisions that need to be made to create a healthy team.

2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

 Still an absolute leadership book classic. Concepts that are pertinent to all areas of life: family, faith, business, nonforprofits, etc. Seek first to understand, how to manage priorities, and loads more. Click here for a summary of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

3. Axiom - Bill Hybels

This is pretty frank and down the line. Some readers may not like the bluntness of some of what Hybels says in this leadership book, but I found it helpful.

4. Courageous Leadership - Bill Hybels

Another Hybel's leadership book. Courageous leadership was the first time I had heard about 360 degree leadership; you know the concept of leading down, across and up all at the same time?

 5. Developing the Leader Within You - John C. Maxwell

 John Maxwell we know has written many a book on leadership. I find in my circles, that he's either a leadership guru or you can't stand him. I learn much from one of his earlier books, Developing the Leader Within You, as it simply was a book that provided some bite-sized concepts of leadership to help grow me as a leader. Other Maxwell leadership books that have impacted many are:
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and Developing the Leaders Around You

 6. Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

 Why is this one of my top 10 leadership books? Emotional Intelligence through the research and work of Daniel Goleman helped me understand much about leadership from not just an IQ perspective, but a EQ perspective. EQ is emotional intelligence, and is imperative that leaders have high emotional intelligence if they want to be able to cope with the demands of conflict resolution, change management and the like. For a detailed rundown of Emotional Intelligence click here.

7. Good to Great - Jim Collins

Jim Collins has a following now, after tireless years of research into books like Good to Great and Built to Last. There are concepts in this book that I can apply to my ministry as a Salvation Army officer, including concepts about level 5 leadership, getting the right people on the bus (first who then what), the hedgehog concept, confronting the brutal facts and having fanactical discipline.
For those in social sectors, there is a little follow up book that is helpful alongside Good to Great, called, Good to Great and the Social Sectors.

8. Leadership Next - Eddie Gibbs

 Eddie Gibbs is well versed in what it means to lead within the context of shifting generations. In the wake of postmodernism and the changes in focus and outlook on new generations, Leadership Next, looks primarily on how to lead effectively within the Christian faith. Much of what we give credence to in leadership, he challenges well!

9. Spiritual Leadership - J. Oswald Sanders

 Sanders is pretty straight down the line with his outlook on leadership. Integrity is absolutely critical, a servant attitude is needed, and the ways of Jesus Christ need to be emulated to lead authentically. Be challenged by Spiritual Leadership!

10. The Truth About Leadership - James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

One of the key leadership teachings that comes out of this book is that credibility in the foundation of leadership. You can read more about this leadership book on a previous post I did.

There is more to be said. Why are there no women in my list? Can anyone recommend a leadership book written by women? If I added a book from the Bible, I would've added the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah challenges us to be tenacious and finish what you started. Some also mention Sun Tzu's Art of War, but from a Christian perspective I really stuggled with it. The other book was How to Win Friends and Influence People from Dale Carnegie, and while I appreciate it has been a successful and popular leadership book over the years, I debate the authenticity of some of the premises within it. If you do this and say that and manipulate the situation correctly, you will win friends and thus have influence. That inauthentic way of leadership does not gel overly well with me.

Please comment below. What do you think are the top 10 leadership books of all time? Do you even care? What do you prefer to read?

God bless.


Also: What are the differences/similarities between leadership and managment?

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