Jesus came to bring life to the fullest. He really did. If you're reading this right now, wondering why things are as they are... wondering where God is, in the midst of all your trials...
Jesus came to set you free. To set you free from oppression, from sin, from darkness, from apathy, from depression, from negativity...
If you're all good, then feel free to move on and read another blog. But right now; if you're in pain... Why don't you pray with me:
Dear God,
You created me to have love, peace and joy. You created me to be in Christ; to be living life to the full. At the moment Lord, I need you to wash away the pain... Will you send the presence of your Holy Spirit right now to fill me and comfort me. Help me to get to the other side of all I'm currently experiencing. I have faith that you will move the obstacles in my life, that stop me from living life to the full. Deliver me from pain, in the Name of JESUS! Thank you Lord, Amen!
God Bless you.
If you need info on depression, then go to www.beyondblue.org
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