Monday, November 5, 2007

Successful TACO night

Well, the TACO Trivia Nights have come and gone. You may be wondering how much we raised... well I tell you that in a minute.
We were raising money for Cadets in Indonesia, and for the Training College in Indonesia. The money we raised will go towards supporting cadets who struggle financially, also the cadets who are waiting to enter college because of lack of funding, and also to possibly supporting the improvement of the facilities of the Training College.
We ran two events on Saturday. One at The Salvation Army Training College in Melbourne, and one in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne. We had over 60 people at the College and over 40 in the West, and everyone seemed to have a great night, plenty of laughs, plenty of itchy heads, and sore brains...

Through the running of these two events were able to raise $1,220. Well done everyone!

I would like to thank those who helped serve on the night, and those who helped prior to the two events. A special thanks to Cadet Nicole Snead for her leadership and organisation of the College's TACO night.

HERE'S THE VISION FOR NEXT YEAR: TACO Trivia nights in atleast 6 or 7 locations next year around the Territory, raising towards $5,000 for Cadets in Indonesia. Let's empower and train the next generation of officers to see the Revolution happen! Can you see it happening?

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