Friday, June 1, 2012

Salvation Army Global Statistics

The Salvation Army's 2012 Yearbook highlights some of the following global statistics:

  • How many countries does The Salvation Army work in?
    • As of the High Council 2013 (August, 2013), The Salvation Army serves in 126 countries/territories.
  • How many languages are used within the work of The Salvation Army?
    • 175 languages.
  • How many Salvation Army Corps are there in the world?
    • Including outposts, societies, new corps plants and recovery churches, there are 15,765 Salvation Army Corps.
  • How many officers are in The Salvation Army?
    • The are 26,244 officers in The Salvation Army. 17,070 are active officers, 9,174 are retired officers.
  • How many Cadets are there currently in The Salvation Army?
    • As of 1st January 2011, there were 1,173 cadets in training within The Salvation Army.
  • How many senior soldiers are there in The Salvation Army?
    • There are currently 1,132,823 soldiers serving in The Salvation Army.
  • How many junior soldiers are there in The Salvation Army?
    • There are currently 383,349 junior soldiers (8-12 year olds) in The Salvation Army.
  • How many Homeless shelters and Emergency lodges do The Salvation Army have?
    • 422 Homeless hostels worldwide, with a capacity of 24,464 and 381 Emergency lodges worldwide, with a capacity of 19,074.
  • 288,380 prisoners are visited worldwide in The Salvation Army.
There is so much more that The Salvation Army do around the world, and this is simply a glimpse into some numbers. Naturally, this fails to encapsulate the significance of the relationships that are developed in Salvation Army Corps and Social Centres right around the world. Read for example, Commissioner Jim Knaggs blog on the work of The Salvation Army on the west coast of the United States.

When you hear of a young person kneeling at the mercy seat offering their life over to Christ, or you hear of the drug dependant 40 year old who has finally made a change, then and ONLY then, do you begin to describe living and breathing Salvation Army ministry! A global movement that sets its sights on winning the world for Jesus.

Read more of Pete Brookshaw's blog here

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