Jesus is alive in the Northern Territory. Unfortunately the chicken on the left is not. We have had a taste of the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre, (just a taste of the programs offered, not a taste of any enslaving substances...). The team at the Sunrise Centre offer a 12-week program that entails 'The 12 Steps' of Alcoholics Anonymous, Anger Management, Sport, Woodwork, Chapel services, Counselling and other services. I'm surprised by the intentional sharing of the Gospel of Jesus, as people with drug and alcohol dependencies are supported. Great work guys!
Officer's Fellowship was a time to get to know the leaders in the Northern Territory. Passionate, focused, patient and expectant characterises these leaders from my viewpoint. God is doing great things through them!
We went with the Darwin Corps Youth Group to the Mud Racing recently. Hotted up cars driving through water and mud... sounds like a good excuse for a night out! It was an opportunity to meet some of the Youth and Adam, who is the Youth Leader here. On the Easter Weekend, the young guys will be getting together for an Easter Camp. We're praying that lives are transformed, and that God meets people head on!
I read recently in the Book of Acts, where there was a bunch of believers who had only received Jesus into their mind, and the apostle urged them to receive Jesus into their heart as well. Then they were baptised (filled) with the Holy Spirit. We need to find the right balance between the extremes of Intellectualism, Emotionalism, and Fanaticism. Be smart. Be passionate. Follow God's will.
I smell the beginnings of a Revolution...
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