Saturday, September 5, 2009

Palmerston: 20 mins out from Darwin

Palmerston – The place to be (That’s the catch-cry of the local Council). 11.4% of the population are indigenous. Much of the population is under 20. Australian Army personnel work close by. The local shops are the place to have coffee and see people you know. Palmerston markets are on every Friday night (Click here).

The culture is different here. Things happen 10 mins from now, not straight away. The Palm branches and the humidity helps you feel like you’re on holidays all year round. There’s no water restrictions. The NT News is good for a laugh, but doesn’t hold much credibility in providing in-depth journalism. Some Aborigines sleep behind the local cinema – God bless them. Rents are high. Fruit and Veg go off in three days. There’s a housing shortage (isn’t there in all of Australia?). People need affordable accommodation. People come here for holidays, and pack up home and end up living here. Many families have family members back in other parts of Australia.

We love Palmerston. Will you pray for this city of 27,000 people? Just shoot up a pray right now… Thank you Lord for this city… Let people come to know Jesus!

What city are you ‘being Jesus’ in? What lives are you transforming through the work of God’s Spirit? How is God using you?

The Salvation of the World. Bring it on.

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