Saturday, July 25, 2009

Faith like Potatoes

I saw a good movie last night. It depicted a true story of a farmer, who became a follower of Jesus after hearing the gospel when his wife dragged him along to Church. God took a hold of his life, and he grew passionate about evangelism, and sharing the good news of Jesus to his African friends and Scottish family. God did many miracles through him, in which he testifies of God raising an African woman back to life after a sudden illness took her life. Then God brought rain from nowhere as raging fires blew through the farm. God used this man Angus, to fulfill his purposes. To bring life and meaning to those who were spiritually empty. What a powerful story, of what God can do if we choose to follow Jesus, and have a simple faith that God can and will do the things he says he can and will do!

God give us a simple faith, to believe in the impossible even in the midst of 'reality'.

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