Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome Meeting: Witnesses for Jesus

What a night! It maybe started a little weird for Jo and I, as we had to march in and sit up on the platform. But last night (Sunday) at Waverly Salvos was a great time to come together as a larger Salvation Army and give thanks to God for what he has done and will do... I've found out a little trick. If you're able to sit on the platform, apparently you don't need to take part in the offering... (don't tell your friends).

There's a fine line between acknowledging Christians and Salvationists for their calling into ministry before it maybe becomes idolistic. I hope last night found a nice balance of empowering those that have stepped into Salvation Army specific ministry but then glorifying the God of who we do ministry for.

Acts 1:8 writes about having power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, to be witnesses to the ends of the earth. Commissioner Jim brought a powerful message about needing to be filled with this power in order to minister effectively. He also said, it's not good enough to be a witness OF Jesus, but we need to be a witness FOR Jesus.

Well guys, the welcomes are over. Hallelujah! This morning we started to get deep into study, as we have a two week intensive on Worship and Preaching. Hopefully I will stay focused on Christ and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit as I learn and grow. Hopefully I don't get too agitated about not being able to do a heap of evangelical ministry...

Remember, be a WITNESS FOR CHRIST! (Don't just talk about the Army, don't just talk about Church; Talk about Jesus!)

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