Monday, January 10, 2011

Edinburgh 2010 Missionary Conference Part 1

Here is the intro and first two points given at the Edinburgh 2010 missionary conference. My brief comments are in italics.

As we gather for the centenary of the World Missionary Conference
of Edinburgh 1910, we believe the church, as a sign and
symbol of the reign of God, is called to witness to Christ today
by sharing in God’s mission of love through the transforming
power of the Holy Spirit.

1. Trusting in the Triune God and with a renewed sense of urgency,
we are called to incarnate and proclaim the good news of salvation,
of forgiveness of sin, of life in abundance, and of liberation
for all poor and oppressed. We are challenged to witness and
evangelism in such a way that we are a living demonstration
of the love, righteousness and justice that God intends for the
whole world.

(I like the comment of a renewed sense of urgency. Urgency drives us into action. Urgency gets up off our comfortable arm chairs in order to change the world. Secondly, to incarnate the good news of salvation means to embody the gospel, that is, to live out an authentic expression of the grace of Jesus in your life. Thirdly, God intends salvation to be for the whole world. Amen!)

2. Remembering Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his resurrection
for the world’s salvation, and empowered by the Holy Spirit,
we are called to authentic dialogue, respectful engagement and
humble witness among people of other faiths—and no faith—to
the uniqueness of Christ. Our approach is marked with bold
confidence in the gospel message; it builds friendship, seeks
reconciliation and practises hospitality. (cited in IBMR, January 2011)

(We are called to dialogue with others about our faith, and respectfully witness to salvation found in Christ. For this to happen well, we must, as mentioned, be empowered by the Holy Spirit).

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