Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Setting the Bar High on Holiness

Major Stephen Court comments on my previous post related to holiness. Check out: www.armybarmy.com/blog.html for the low down. It got me thinking about setting the bar high for holiness. Pushing the boundaries of holiness is about this idea that some Christians set the bar low. They try to find God's lowest common denominator with sin, and live a life within that realm, always hoping God still is 'ok' with them. Major Court has made me think about the opposite; setting the bar high.

Do you know those people who are striving to live a life worthy of the calling they have received? Do you know of those who are passionate about prayer, integrity, wholesomeness, good character and are loving to others? If there is any movement of the people of God that was and is known for being that kind of movement, with those kind of people, it is The Salvation Army. Lets set the bar high when it comes to holiness, and be one of those people with a passion for pure living!
Lord, help me to live in a way that honours you. Fill me with your Holy Spirit to overflowing. It is no longer I that is living, but Christ that is living in me. Amen.
UK officer's blog - Andrew Bale - Check it out: www.beyondthebrook.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Why is there continual kow-towing to rank within the Salvos?

    It just looks silly, Pete, and removes impact from your narrative.


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