Sunday, July 20, 2008

Preaching up a Storm

Famous Last Words was a challenging night recently as Commissioner Brian Morgan shared his 'Famous Last Words'. He shared passionately about the gospel of Jesus being URGENT, and that we should go for it! He asked the question, 'Since when did the gospel become more about maintenance than about Mission'? Ouch!! Love it! Captain Danielle Strickland inspired us to worship and she mentioned for those gathered at that time, you don't need to find the latest evangelism conference to go to, just find someone and talk to them about Jesus! (Not rocket science).

Cadet Scott Ellery preached up a storm at South Barwon Corps (Western Victoria) this morning, preaching about God's glory being revealed in creation (e.g. the Grand Canyon, or a sunset on the beach), God's glory is revealed in the Scriptures (where we learn more of who God is), and God's glory is revealed to others through our witness (Maybe people can see God in us?).

I know of a few friends signing up for Training College next year. Are there any people in leadership you need to release for them to fulfil this calling?

To God be the glory.

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