Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back in Melbourne!

Well we're back. Back to 10 degress, and to busy traffic, and prayer meetings and College food!

People ask Jo and I whether we enjoyed Darwin. In a brief answer: YES! Here's a little sample:
* We journeyed with a ex-drug addict and saw him begin to follow Jesus, and start a radical journey of holiness.
* One young lady went back into uniform since being at Darwin
* A COKE machine is being delivered soon for the Corps building!! (Very important point to make...)
* We collected an extra $1400 for Red Shield Appeal from a PUB round I organised!
* After preaching about the BLOOD and FIRE last Sunday to an African congregation, the African Woman said from the front, in an African accent, 'Thank you Peter Brookshaw, you preach like in Africa!!' (I think that was a compliment...??)
* Some of my new mates from Darwin are Youth Leaders, and have committed to continuing on a Youth Bible Study that we begun while in Darwin.
* Jo and I were able to work as 'Community Support' Workers for a few days, and hand out emergency food, and vouchers for those needing assistance.

Jesus is alive. We need the blood and the fire. God knows were pretty useless without it. I give all praise to God for our time in Darwin, and thank everyone for their continued prayers and support for us.

Back to Melbourne. Back to College life. 6 months til Commissioning. 6 months til a new born baby. Still lots to learn. Still much more to experience. It's time for a Revolution.

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